Best Place To Teach Kids History.

That's right, we were recognized and awarded as the best place in Las Vegas to teach history to kids. Many know we are a life long learning facility, and we believe that a love for learning starts from a young age. We have many interactive exhibits to help people of all learning styles gain the most from their visit. Whether you're an audio, visual, writing, reading, or kinesthetic person, we've got you covered. We've got videos, audio tracks, writing and coloring stations, plenty of signs, and multiple buttons, gizmos, and gadgets guaranteed to satisfy the most touchy.
Not only do we cater to all learning styles, but we also have a little bit of everything to learn about. Whether you're a dinosaur devotee, ancient Egypt enthusiast, marine biologist in training, geology geek, or an animal aficionado, you're sure to learn something new. Maybe you're a paleontology or archaeology fan. Well good news for you, we have a paleo lab downstairs! Stop by and have either Dr. Rowland or any of his volunteers give you the low down on some of the specimens, including but not limited to, mammoth tusks, bison fossils, Indigenous pot sherds, etc. and even touch a 80,000,000 year old Dinosaur femur!
We have a small but mighty and dedicated team of staff and volunteers who are always eager to share their knowledge, interests, and facts with anyone who'll listen. You can typically find our docents running an appropriately themed activity in any of our galleries, but especially on the weekend. Every Saturday has a Science filled experiment, demo, or kid-friendly project that ranges from making slime, to dissecting owl pellets, or even making a dinosaur fossil foot print. Not enough? We also host birthday parties here that our staff facilitate and do critter connections for (among other things). Everyone here at the Museum want the best possible experience for all our guests so don't be shy and strike up a conversation. You think our taxidermy collection is impressive? We do too!
We're seriously so thankful to be named the Best Place To Teach Kids History in Las Vegas and we're hoping to stay that way. We hope you'll continue to learn along with us and we look forward to the remainder of the year. It's a big one!